We know what you need to be successful...
motivated clients and high quality business listings |
You need high quality listings for sellable businesses - we get it! |
We also know that providing our clients with their own exclusive territory & their own exclusive leads makes their job much easier- and they appreciate that. All too often we hear brokers say "to get a good listing I typically need about 20 or so leads". That doesn't have to be the case, on average our broker clients only need one or two of our leads to get a good listing. |
Each day we do what we do best- so our clients can do what they do best |
Every client we work with has the same belief and philosophy; that he or she is most useful and valuable when they can focus 100% on what they do best- running their business.
Real results and new listings- fast and guaranteed |
All new campaigns are launched within one week. Once the campaign is launched the ads are optimized, running, and generating results within one week. Our performance and your new clients are guaranteed from the very first month. |
How It Works |
We've broken our process down to 5 easy steps:
We create a marketing site to attract and capture your new customers |
Using a simple yet effective template, we create a custom one page website to represent you. The website has a professional layout and look, explains your services, the local area you serve, and tells viewers why you are the one they should contact for their business needs. Your marketing site can be customized with your logo, your picture or just about anything else you'd like to add- at no extra charge.
click here to view a sample marketing site |
We install a tracking telephone number to track and record calls |
On your site we'll display a unique phone number which will allow us to track every call generated through your campaign, and the tracking phone number will ring through to where ever you specify, even to a cell phone if you choose. This allows us (and you) the ability to know exactly how well the campaign is working, or if it's not.
Unless for some reason you prefer not to, we also record all calls coming in through your tracking phone number. This provides you with the ability to listen to the actual calls from the clients we're generating for you. You will hear for yourself how well qualified these new clients are, as well as have a record of verbal communications between you and them.
And don't worry, it's all legal. We provide the FCC required intro to record the calls and we handle the entire set up process. |
We install an email form to capture email leads from new clients |
These email forms are part of your marketing site, and give the user the option of sending an email as opposed to calling you.
When a new lead completes the email form three things happen:
1. A back-up copy is permanently stored in our system
2. A copy is immediately sent to your email address(s)
3. A text message version is immediately sent to your cell phone(s) |
We set up your own exclusive, local online marketing campaign |
We then create your own online marketing campaign that will capture your new clients. The clients we generate for you will be people in your exclusive territory, actively looking for a broker to help them sell their business. We will direct them to your marketing site where they see you, and only you. When they contact you to discuss their needs, they'll be contacting you directly.
24/7 access to our tracking system and your performance and results |
We will provide you with your own username and password so that you may log into our system any time to view your activity and leads. While in your account you'll be able to view your call log, listen to each of your phone calls and read all of your email leads that were generated by your campaign.
After hours is a great time to log in and listen to your employees, or yourself on the phone. Phone call audio files are uploaded for you to hear approx. 30 minutes after the actual time of the phone call. |
Pricing |
Our 3 plan levels offer new clients a variety of affordable packages. The higher level packages provide us with a larger budget to purchase more exposure. This extra exposure means more results can be expected each month. |
Our Silver Plan is our most affordable plan which includes all of the features outlined in the program details displayed on this site. |
This plan was created to be a comfortable starting level. After generating solid results & sales on this level most new clients upgrade to one of our higher levels. All clients have the ability to upgrade their campaign at any time.
$150 set up fee + $599 per month |
Our Gold Plan is our most popular plan which includes all of the features outlined in the program details displayed on this site plus extra exposure on the search engines. |
Compare the Gold Plan vs. the Silver Plan:
The Gold Plan costs 33% more than the Silver Plan yet generates 65% more exposure making it a better value "per dollar".
$150 set up fee + $799 per month |
Our Platinum Plan is our highest level starter plan which includes all of the features outlined in the program details displayed on this site plus the most extra exposure on the search engines. |
Compare the Platinum Plan vs. the Gold Plan:
The Platinum Plan costs 25% more than the Gold Plan yet generates 50% more exposure making it the greatest value "per dollar".
$150 set up fee + $999 per month |
Our Performance Guarantee |
Our standard commitment period is 3 months, however if in the first month we fail to generate the minimum number of guaranteed clients, you'll have the option of canceling at the end of your first month. During the second month the same guarantee applies. There's no catch and no fine print- if you're not seeing amazing results at the end of the first or second month simply contact us by phone or email and request cancellation. How's that for fair and honest? |
The minimum number of new clients is as follows: 5 new clients per month minimum for the Silver level, 8 new clients per month minimum for the Gold level, and 11 new clients per month minimum for the Platinum level. Our clients have the right to decide what is considered a new client or sale and what is not. |
Getting Started |
To expedite the start up process please click here to download our sign up form. Please know that when you complete and fax the form back that we will not start your campaign until we contact you and discuss the specifics of your campaign. |
We utilize an email fax system, which means that all incoming faxes are safely delivered to our secure email box. Our fax system is available 24/7, is safe and secure, and does not require a cover letter. |
Save $50 |
Click here to take a short survey and receive an extra $50 discount |
Thanks for your time and we hope to hear from you soon!
-Peter Ocello, President of Bullseye Local Marketing, Inc.